Pendulum Pregnancy Test for the Gender of your Baby

Pendulum pregnancy is a systematic method of predicting a baby’s sex that has been used for centuries. The theory is that if you suspend a wedding ring above the pregnant woman’s stomach, the ring will swing back and forth if the baby is a boy, and side to side if the baby is a girl.

A pregnancy pendulum can also be used to determine wether or not someone is pregnant.

Pregnancy pendulum test

When it comes to pregnancy, there are a lot of home tests available on the market these days. But what if you want to know before you take a test? What if you’re just curious? That’s where pendulums come in. By asking your pendulum if you’re pregnant, you can get an answer without taking any tests at all.

Pendulums are relatively easy to use, and they can be a great way to get some clarification on something that’s been worrying you. If you’re pregnant, the pendulum will swing in a certain direction. If you’re not pregnant, the pendulum will swing in another direction. It’s as simple as that!

Can you ask your pendulum if you’re pregnant?

The short answer? Yes! When asking a pendulum if you are pregnant, it is important to phrase the question in a way that the answer can be yes or no. For example, “Am I pregnant?” is not a good question because the answer could be yes or no depending on how you interpret the question. A better question would be “Is there a baby inside of me?” which will give you a yes or no answer.

Pendulum pregnancy: calibrating the pendulum

A pendulum can be easily calibrated by asking it to show you a yes and no. Most times, a yes will be indicated by the pendulum swinging clockwise, while a no will be indicated by the pendulum swinging counter-clockwise. If the pendulum only swings back and forth, that is usually a maybe, while a swinging left to right means “try again later” or “rephrase your question”.

Pendulum gender test: how to predict the gender of an unborn child?

When using a pendulum to predict the gender of an unborn, there are a lot of misconceptions: many believe that if the pendulum swings in a clockwise motion, the baby is a boy, and if it swings in a counter-clockwise direction, the baby is a girl. Others believe that the direction of the swing doesn’t matter, and that the gender of the baby can be determined by the time of day that the pendulum was used. 

In reality, all you need to do is to refine your calibration process (previous paragraph): once the pendulum is calibrated, it will give you yes/no answers in the way you’ve determined. Keep asking questions such as “is it a boy?” and the pendulum will then give you a yes or no for an answer.

Have you ever dowsed the gender of an unborn child?