Dowsing Courses


On this page we have collated a list of recommended dowsing e-books, courses, kindle and e-learning resources to get you started, or focus on a specific aspect of dowsing: enjoy!

1) Professional Pendulum Dowsing Course [book or e-book]

Easily access your ‘inner-dowser’, unlock your full potential and learn the ins-and-outs of pendulum dowsing. Access the course here.

2) Almost FREE Dowsing Course for Beginners [Kindle edition]

If you are just starting out with dowsing, this is the perfect place to get started. Kindle is FREE for ‘Kindle-Unlimited‘ customers. Click here to access the course.

3) The Diving Hand: 500 Years of Dowsing [book]

The most definitive history-book on dowsing to date: learn all the basics & foundations of dowsing, start from here.