The Complete Guide to Palm Reading & Learning Palmistry

This guide will guide you through the ins and outs of palmistry and palm reading: from its definition to the different types of lines, the mounts with their meanings, questions about your marriage, the shape of your palms and much more. We built a table of contents below for you to jump directly to the section that interests you the most.

What is Palm Reading?

Palm reading is a form of divination that uses the shapes and lines on the palm to predict someone’s future. It has been used for centuries by people in India, China, Egypt, and Greece. There are two main schools of thought in palm reading:

  • The first school believes that there are six major lines on our palms which represent different parts of our life: health, love, money, emotions, intellect and spirituality.
  • The second school believes that there are three major lines on our palms (called head line, heart line and life line) which represent different parts of our life: physical health/wellness; emotional well-being; and spiritual well-being.

A palm reader collects information about an individual’s life by interpreting the lines and shapes on the palm to show how certain aspects of our lives are progressing.

Palm Reading & How it can help to understand yourself better

Palm reading is a popular way to learn about your personality and future. It can provide insight into your character, life path, career, love life and health. Palm reading has been around for many centuries and it still remains a popular way of understanding oneself better. We wrote a separate guide on Palm Reading Books here.

The importance of Palm Lines in Palm Reading and what they mean

Palm reading is the oldest form of fortune telling and it is still popular today. The lines on your palms, also known as creases, can tell about your health, love life, and career. The four major lines on your palm are: the Head Line, Heart Line, Life Line, and the Fate Line. Palm reading is a complicated art that takes years to master. However, there are some basic rules that you can follow to get a general idea of what these lines mean.

The Life Line

The life line is the one that crosses your hand around the thumb. It typically starts somewhere between the index and thumb, and usually ends near the wrist. The life line is associated with someone’s vitality.

Meaning of a long Life Line

People with a long life line usually show vitality; the longer the line, the higher the vitality.

Meaning of a long Short Line:

A short line does not give any information about lifespan. It only represents a low vitality level, which could be of ancestral inheritance.

Life Line starting points:

  • High position (close to the index): it often means strong and opinionated personality.
  • Medium position: balanced temper and personality.
  • Low position (close to thumb): enjoys time alone, more on the introvert side.

Life Line ending points

  • Around the thumb: likes home, not too prone to travel
  • Ends in the middle with Y shape: enjoys traveling, but eventually wants to return home
  • Points towards the opposite side of the palm: adventurous and prone to traveling.

Life Line shapes

  • Regular: means rational, objective thinker.
  • Long: tends to be prone to anxiety or nervousness
  • Uncertain shape (i.e. wavy): indicates little energy, not very active

Life Line breaks

Breaks on the life line indicate past trauma, injuries or accidents. They can also refer to unexpected life changes.

The Heart Line

The heart line informs us on feelings, sensitivity, moods, emotions and sexual life. A good heart line is a relatively straight one, also known as I-line, and not too close to the mounts at the bottom of your fingers.

Heart Line starting points

  • Close to the fingers: indicates low self-control, typically visible on emotional people.
  • Middle of the palm: associated with calmness, prudence and a careful approach to life.

Heart Line ending points

  • Ends high: friendly and outgoing behavior, dynamically emotional.
  • Ends low (closer to wrist): idealistic and dreamer, less emotional or outgoing.

Heart Line length

  • Long/medium length: loves outdoor space, nature and harmony.
  • Short length: usually shows a self-centered approach to

Heart Line shape

  • Straight line: indicates cold and calculated approach to things in life.
  • Concave line: usually denotes sensitivity and compassion.

Meaning of different Heart Line shapes

  • Parallel lines: denotes a wide emotional range, usually very lively.
  • Wavy lines: indicates lack of consistency, traits of unpredictability and uncertain behaviors.

The Mounts of your palm

The palm is divided into two parts: the Mounts of the palm and the Lines of the palm. The Mounts of the palm are relatively large, fleshy mounds on either side of your hand, located just under your fingers or bottom of the hand. They are believed to represent our emotional nature and serve as a connection between personality and intellect. Let’s take a deeper look at all of them:

Mount of Jupiter

The mount of Jupiter is the one located immediately beneath your index finger. A bulgy and prominent mount of Jupiter usually denotes a prominent personality and vice versa.

Mount of Saturn

The mount of Saturn is based at the very bottom of your middle finger. It shows your career traits and relationship with work: a flat one shows quiet and content traits, a prominent one indicates strong work attitude.

Mount of Mercury

The mount of Mercury sits at the base of the pinky finger and denotes one’s predisposition to scientific and business ability. A chunky mount of mercury usually denotes business savvy & merchant traits.

Mount of Neptune

The mount of Neptune is positioned straight under the ring finger. A prominent mount of Neptune denotes ability to connect with an audience, as well as a good interrelation between one’s conscious & subconscious minds.

Mars Passive

The Mount of Mars Passive is located below the mount of Mercury (the pinky one), and indicates mental & moral courage & steadiness. A small Mars Passive is often associated with fearful behaviors.

Mars Active

The Mount of Mars Active is beneath the mount of Jupiter (the index finger one) and denotes physical courage. A large mount of Mars Active resonates with aggressiveness, where a flat one usually implies shy and timid traits.

Mount of Venus

Probably the most famous one, the Mount of Venus is the big & chunky piece under your thumb (the one that moves). The mount of Venus teaches us about one’s energy levels: either very vital, sexually active and enthusiastic when the mount of Venus is prominent, or colder and more detached when the mount of Venus is smaller.

Mount of Luna

The mount of Luna is at the polar opposite from the mount of Venus and is located just under Mars Passive, about one inch below the pinky on the very far side of the hand.

The Fate Line: Western vs Eastern point of view

In this section we will discuss a very important line – the Fate line in our hand. The Fate line can be seen from two points of view – the Indian point of view and the western point of view.

Indian Point of View

First we will see the Fate line from the Indian point of view. Any line which starts from anywhere and reaches up to the mount of Saturn, after crossing the Heart line, (or a line going towards the mount of Saturn) is called the Fate line.

In the Indian tradition, there are 4 to 5 types of fate lines which will give you results – if the Fate line is starting from the bracelet area and it ends on the mount of Saturn in a V-shape if it is divided into 2 lines – one going towards Jupiter and one going towards Saturn, this is a significant sign, and if this line is present in someone’s hand, it indicates that the person will reach a high position in whatever career he chooses in life.

The second type of line is if the Fate line starts from near the Life line. If the Fate line starts near the Life line, and goes to the mount of Saturn, it indicates that the person will face a number of difficulties up to the age of 28, and after that, his or her successful phase will begin. If the line starts from Venus and goes to its destination point, then after marriage, the person will get success.

Below the Head line and between the two mounts Mars, this is the so called area of “dragon head.” If the Fate line starts from this area and goes to the mount of Saturn, then the person will face lot of difficulties up to the age of 36, which means that in his or her young age, they are going to face a lot of difficulties but after age of 36, they will get a lot of success in life.

Another case is when the line starts from the Heart line and goes to the mount of Saturn, then this person will earn a lot of money in their old age and they’ll also spend on karmic things (i.e. charity). If the line starts from the mount of Moon and goes to the mount of Saturn, then the person will earn money from public sector like a doctor or lawyer. These kind of lines are present where the person is earning money through public contact.

Lastly, if the Fate line starts from Head line and goes to the mount of Saturn, then the person is educated and has a good skill set, and with the help of their skills they will earn a lot of money. This was the Indian point of view about the Fate line, and these were the different alternatives of where the Fate line starts or ends.

Western Point of View

According to the Western point of view, the Fate line is not directly related to money. Fate line only indicates the opportunities to make money. In other words, the Fate line is a channel through which you go in order to make money.

If two or three mounts are very protruded, and we get good signs on them, then there is no need to also have a strong Fate line; the person can basically do everything. This means that if the Fate line is not present, then person has the liberty to do anything that he likes…and if the Fate line is present, then he has to go through a particular channel.

If the Fate line is present and it has a number of cross lines and breaks on it, there will be hurdles in this person’s life. If the Fate line is very faint, then opportunities are going to be much less: in that case the person has to work more and more to get good opportunities.

On the moon, the Fate line starts at the age of 21, when it crosses the Head line, it is age 35 and when it crosses the Heart line, then it is age 55. The ages is given arbitrarily; it is not compulsory in everyone’s hand.I t has to correlate with the type of person it is and the other signs in his hand.So these are the two views about the Fate line.

How to read the Line of Marriage in Palmistry & what it means for your love life

The line of marriage is associated with the heart line, and therefore one of the most important lines in palmistry. It is an indicator of how successful you will be in love and life. The line of marriage can be found at the base of your thumb, between it and your index finger. If there is a break or a fork in this line, then this means that you are likely to have a difficult time finding love or sustaining a relationship. If there are two lines instead of one, then this means that you will have more than one significant other in your lifetime. You may find it difficult to choose between them or decide who you want to marry.

How can I predict my marriage age?

Palmistry can be used to predict a person’s age through the lines in the palms. The Marriage line is found at the base of the palm and is usually clearly visible. If this line is long and clear, it means that a person will marry later than someone whose marriage line is faint or broken.

Reading the hand’s shape to reveal your characteristics and personality traits

The shape of your hand can reveal a variety of information about you. The position and size of your thumb, index finger, and middle finger can tell you about your character. For example: if your index finger is longer than your thumb, then you are likely to be a creative person; if the tip of your thumb points to the base line on your palm, then you are likely to be an introvert; if both fingers are long but one is shorter than the other, then you are likely to be a perfectionist.

Which palm do you read?

If your palm reader doesn’t recommend otherwise, you should read both hands. In theory, the left hand will show what you can do, and the right hand shows what you have actually done with the psychic resources you had at your disposal.

Do palm lines change with age?

Palm lines are said to change as we age, but there is little research that confirms this for everyone. In some cases, the lines may deepen as you get older, while in other people they may widen or narrow, However, the basic lines are quite easily read at no matter what age.

Which is money Line?

The best way to predict money, financial success and wealth in palmistry, is through the Mount of Mercury. This Mount is very important in palmistry because it can determine how much money one will have in their life. As briefly mentioned above, a prominent mount of Mercury denotes business acumen and financial success.

Palm Reading & its connection to health and general well-being

The palm is a natural map of a person’s life. The lines on the hand are like roads mapping out all of our past, present and future – from the day we were born to the day we die. Palm reading is not just about predicting what will happen in the future but also about understanding what has happened in the past and how it will affect our lives today. When we read palms, it’s like taking a journey through someone’s life by looking at their hands. We look for clues about their health and general well-being as well as their personality traits and character strengths. Breaks in the heart or life lines may indicate moments of struggle, either mentally or physically.

The different types of palms

Palms can be classified into three basic shapes:

  • square,
  • triangle,
  • and diamond.

The shape of your palm is an indication of how you use your hands in daily life and has implications in the way your palm is read. People with square palms tend to have more strength in their hands and fingers than those with triangle or diamond palms, while those with triangle or diamond palms will have an easier time performing delicate tasks like writing or drawing. Physical strength doesn’t necessarily mean emotional strength and vice versa.

Signs and characteristics of a ‘Good’ Palm

A good palm has long fingers which are strong and not too thin. The lines on the palm should be deep and well defined. The mounts on the palm should be well developed and not too flat or too high. The thumb should be long, strong, flexible in all directions and not too wide or narrow.

Conclusion: Why you should get a professional Palm Reading at least once in your lifetime

Some people think that palmistry is a superstition, but it is actually a type of science. It has been around for centuries and it has helped many people make sense of their lives. There are many reasons why you should get your palm read at least once in your lifetime.

  1. The first reason is that you can find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. This can help you improve yourself in the future and learn how to deal with problems more effectively.
  2. The second reason is that you can learn about your future, which can be very helpful when making decisions about your future career or relationships.
  3. The third reason is that you will know what kind of person you are, which will help guide your life choices from then on out.

Final note: If you’re interested in exploring more, you can browse our recommendations for palm reading stands, learn more about the Japanese palm reading tradition, find out how foot palm reading works, compare palm reading services (USA Only) or consult our useful Palm Reading Maps.