Tantric Numerology

In broad terms, tantra is a spiritual practice that originated from India and focuses on connecting with the divine through physical and spiritual practices. Tantra is a practice of self-realization, seeking to awaken the individual to the truth of their own divine nature.

When connected with numerology, tantra becomes tantric numerology. This practice is often related to yoga because it can be used to gain insight into one’s spiritual path, the divine essence of life, and the connection between the individual and the cosmos. Tantric numerology is often referred to as Yogi Numerology or sometimes Akara Numerology.

What is a tantric numerology reading?

Tantric numerology is a type of numerology system that uses a combination of numerology, astrology, and Hindu Tantric practices. It is based on the belief that numbers contain powerful energies and vibrations, and that these energies can influence our lives. During a tantric numerology reading, a numerologist will use a combination of practices to analyze a person’s birth chart and calculate a person’s personal numbers. The numerologist will then use this information to make predictions about the person’s life and provide advice on how they can use their numbers to improve their lives.

The tantric element of yogi numerology

Tantra is based on the understanding that we are all one, connected to each other and the divine, and that we must work to deepen that connection in order to find true happiness and liberation. By practicing Tantra, one can reach a higher level of consciousness, and a deeper connection to the divine. This connection can bring a sense of fulfillment, inner peace, and joy to the life of the practitioner.

What is yogic numerology?

Yogic numerology is a synonym of tantric numerology & refers to a system of numerology based on the teachings of yoga and Vedic numerology. It combines the energies of the numbers, the power of the planets, and the energies of the chakras to create a unique system that can be used to gain insight into a person’s life. It can be used to assess a person’s strengths and weaknesses, their potential for success, and their likely future.

Numerical patterns in tantra

The numerical representation of the sounds in one’s name can provide insight into the person’s character, life purpose, and karma. By understanding the numerical patterns of an individual in relation to tantra, a person can gain greater self-awareness and insight into the deeper mysteries of life.

How to determine the tantric numbers

Depending on who you ask, the technique to determine the tantric number can vary slightly. In general, tantric numbers are determined by calculating the numerical value of your birth date, name, among other factors.

In this section, we’ll cover the numbers you have to calculate to obtain a tantric numerology reading. The list is outlined as follows:

Destiny Number

This number is derived from the numbers associated with your birth day of the week (for example, Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, Tuesday = 3 etc) in combination with the time of birth, and is used to determine your life path and overall destiny. Add all these figures together until you’re left with a single digit to determine the destiny number.

Personality Number

This number is derived from the consonants of your birth name and reveals your inner self and personality traits. The process of calculation begins by assigning a numerical value to each letter in the alphabet. The name is then converted into a single number using a simple addition formula.

Psychic Number

This number is derived from the numbers of your place of birth and reveals your inner feelings, urges and desires. To calculate this, assign numbers to the alphabet and then use the name of the city you were born to determine the psychic number.

Maturity Number

This number is derived from the numbers of your birth date in relation with your astrology sign, and reveals your potential for growth, maturity and spiritual evolution.

Soul Number

This number is derived from the vowels of your birth name and reveals your inner self and personality traits. The process of calculation begins by assigning a numerical value to each letter in the alphabet. The name is then converted into a single number using a simple addition formula.

Pulling everything together

Once all of the 5 numbers are calculated, they can be used to determine your tantric number readings. Different permutations can bring to different interpretations, readings and outcomes.


In conclusion, tantric numerology can be leveraged to understand people through the power of numbers in a variety of different ways:

  • It uses numbers to identify an individual’s life purpose.
  • It focuses on understanding an individual through the power of numbers.
  • It gives insight into challenges and opportunities.
  • It has been used since ancient times.
  • Is is believed to bring balance and harmony to life.